Reminder: ‘Basic Techniques Still Work’

or printers who are struggling to reinvent themselves amid a still-challenging economy, Budco’s Jeff Sierra offered a reminder last week that basic techniques can still be effective.

The context: a question from the audience at our panel presentation at the On Demand Conference and Exposition in Philadelphia about a successful direct mail campaign Budco ran on behalf of its client Ford Motor Company. The attendee wanted to know if Budco had considered running a multi-touch campaign, rather than simply direct mail. “We got a 35.7 percent increase in sales penetration using just direct mail, and that means millions in revenues,” Sierra responded. “Don’t overcomplicate it. Basic techniques work.”

That’s not to say that the program was simple. The strategy was developed by the Xerox 1:1 Lab, a proving ground for demonstrating the power of fully variable direct marketing. The lab tested Ford’s traditional personalized direct mail campaign against one that used four additional variables — gender, income, age and geography — to make each piece more relevant to the recipient.

Read full article at:   Digital Printing Hot Spot » Blog Archive » Reminder: ‘Basic Techniques Still Work’.


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