Royal Mail launches digitally-enhanced direct mail

1004458 Royal MailPostal carrier Royal Mail has announced plans to introduce “digitally-watermarked” direct mail services, which may interest companies using B2B data and business mailing lists.

The operator is hoping that technologically-enhanced mailers, leading prospects to the sender’s website, social page or video when scanned with a 3G mobile, will remind marketers that paper forms of direct marketing are still relevant today.

David Smith, chief customer officer for Royal Mail, said that he was keen to see direct mail materials made “increasingly sophisticated and engaging for the people who receive them”.

The carrier is looking into several measures to help ensure that direct marketers keep using business mailing lists to reach their prospects, in spite of the growing trend towards newer, less-proven strategies.

Earlier this week, writing for the BiggerPockets blog, Jason Hanson, founder of National Real Estate Investor Month, said that it his experience direct mail is still the “number one” way to win new business.

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