Say Hello To My Little 3D Printed TOOTH!

IMAG0838Over Fourth Of July weekend I managed to crack my tooth on a peach pit. For the record, it was a really nice and juicy Georgia peach that didn’t mean any harm. And even though it’s likely to be the most expensive peach I will ever eat, the dark cloud showed it’s silver lining when I learned that my crown was going to be 3D Printed!

As for the process, it was pretty cool minus the drilling! But once my actual tooth was ground into a little nub where the crown could attach, my dentist took a series of 3D images and that is when the fun began. The images appeared on a screen and my dentist used a trackball to mark the space where my crown would sit for sizing. I am assuming that the computer was programed to know what shape and details the crown would have based upon which tooth it was, because it looked like a tooth after it was formed.

I asked so many questions that my dentist brought me back to the machine and let me video it!  Enjoy, and beware PEACH PITS!

One Response

  1. To be fair, this isn’t 3D printing. This is nothing but a computer controlled milling machine, which has been around for a very long time.


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