SGIA helps imagers improve print accuracy with G7

Picture 56Fairfax, VA-based SGIA now offers G7 resources to help the specialty imaging community maximize print accuracy and meet customers’ increasing color matching demands. This innovative methodology, developed by IDEAlliance, enables different proofers, screen presses and digital printers to produce a very similar appearance regardless of substrate, line count, ink type or printing condition.

“G7 eliminates the guessing of what color should be adjusted during the set-up procedure,” says Ralph Rhein, vice president of operations, DuraColor. “In my 30 years of printing experience, it was the best 4-color process printing method I have ever used.”

SGIA, together with IDEAlliance, provides members with a complete explanation of the methodology, how it works and what steps are required to become G7 certified. Screen and digital printers who are interested in learning more about G7 also can take advantage of upcoming training and educational sessions: G7 Expert/Professional Training Class: August 17-19, 2010, M&R Companies facility (Niles, IL); and 2010 SGIA Expo session, “Understanding the Advantages of G7,” October 13, 2010, Las Vegas Convention Center.

For more information, visit, keyword G7.

via SGIA helps imagers improve print accuracy with G7.


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