Sheetfed waste: Get everyone involved

Sheetfed waste has been a big issue lately. Lets look at overall plant waste and then sheetfed waste. There are good figures available on spoilage but not on waste for a plant. The usual approach, and not a bad one, is to look at waste in each area of the plant. The first step would be to define the waste and then measure it. Once we have those figures, we can form a team to attack each area and look at how that waste can be reduced.This basic approach will work in every area of the plant. The best implementation of this approach that I have seen is to involve all parties, including the manufacturer of the machine. The manufacturer is a key to the team because it not only knows the equipment but sees what others are doing to reduce waste and increase productivity.

Read full article at:  Sheetfed waste: Get everyone involved.


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