Some Video Aids To Achieve Success On Your Lean Journey

Terry-Rayner-Print-Media-CentrBy Terry Rayner

Lean is incredibly simple; however, it requires passion and perseverance. If you are starting out on a lean journey I would suggest that you get your entire company together and tell then why you are implementing Lean and the benefits that Lean will bring.

The web is a great place to find support materials to help you train and implement lean and I would suggest the following three short videos as great visual re-enforcement to help your employees understand more about Lean and the benefits of the 5S program.

The flowing is an outline for a one-hour training and implementation meeting:

First 30 minutes: Revisit why the company is implementing Lean then ask all the employees to attentively watch the flowing videos:

NOTE: All leadership should watch all three videos prior to the “company-wide meeting” so that they are familiar with the material and can answer direct the work exercise afterward the meeting

Then show the following 5S video to everyone “Learn what 5S is and how it applies to any industry


Q & A

 All employees watch this next video: “5S Factory Makeover Preview


Q & A 

All operations employees then disburse with their leaders and spend the next 30 minutes implementing  5S – also revisit the “idea” whiteboards with your teams – encourage them to use the whiteboards as a way to communicate and to voice ideas.

 Office/Sales employees stay and watch next video “5S office – high speed


Q & A

All office/sales employees then disburse with their leaders and spend the next 30 minutes implementing 5S – also revisit the “idea” whiteboards with your teams – encourage them to use the whiteboards as a way to communicate and to voice ideas.

5S is one of the major building blocks of Lean – It is imperative that your management team and employees understand the importance of 5S and why they must implement all of the five S’s.

I would suggest that you set up a weekly Lean meeting to provide training and to answer questions.

Use the internet to find more training videos – they make it easier for everyone to understand and to get on board.

With over 25 years of print management experience Terry Rayner is a Lean Thinking Guru. Using his blend of customer focused philosophies and continuous improvement methodologies he has led companies through major changes to emerge re-energized. Certified in Lean Six Sigma Processes for manufacturing, office and sales environments he is relentless in his pursuit to eliminate wastes, which increase efficiencies and effectiveness; ultimately leading to higher customer satisfaction and significant profit growth.

Connect with Terry: / LinkedIn / Twitter


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