Sources of Graphic Design Inspiration

Graphic work
Image via Wikipedia

Graphic design schools can teach you all the top techniques to create brilliant designs, but if you don’t feel inspired where do you begin? Fortunately, the Internet can prove an excellent source of inspiration for both website and print designs. Here are some of the best sites you should check out:

Raster: An Internet website dedicated to providing and finding inspiration with designs organized by chapters.

Deviant Art: From manga to realistic photography, you can find every type of design on this site. Hopefully one of the images can get your creative juices slowing.

Behance Network: Explore digital images, illustrations, typography, game design, and even storyboards on this unique website. You can conveniently sort the designs by “most viewed,” “most discussed,” or “most appreciated” based on whether you want to seek inspiration in more controversial conversation-sparking designs or those with mass appeal.

Creative Depart: Find your inspiration among these videos, photography, or one of a kind packaging designs. You can even submit artwork you feel belongs on this site. The “Resources” page also announces contests, graphic design events, and other news.

Creattica: Created specifically to help designers, this site displays business cards, flash websites, HTML/CSS, logos, posters, motion graphics, snowboard art, iPad wallpapers, and much more.

Inspiration might be a mere click away. So don’t get frustrated if fresh, new ideas don’t come to you immediately. Now you can surf the Internet at work for a legitimate work-related reason.

via Sources of Graphic Design Inspiration : Graphic Design Blog & Graphics News Blog.

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