T-Shirt (mis)Spells Trouble for Wet Seal

Where to even start.  I have never heard of Wet Seal until this article.  The company name itself makes me cringe, but there is a designer and a production team out there who should be cringing a bit more. Regardless of the claim that the company was “aware” of the typo and figured people, er single women, are more eager to find a mate than be concerned with grammar and questionably what is fashionable, HOW did this get printed??  And now it’s being sold???  I would suggest they cut their losses in PR alone and donate these t-shirts to a worthy cause where having clothing at all supersedes this stupidity.

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by Joanna Douglas

Single people with bad grammar unite! Wet Seal is selling a new t-shirt the reads: “If Your Single, So Am I.” Their website calls it a “fun and trendy tunic,” because apparently not knowing the difference between your and you’re is cool!

OK, everyone makes mistakes, and perhaps this one slipped past a sloppy editor and a bunch of merchandisers who didnt notice. Its possible, right? Except, according to reddit.com, Wet Seal was notified about the error and didnt care!

A reddit.com user called “yourname146” says his girlfriend is a Wet Seal store manager, and when she noticed the misprinted tees she returned them to the warehouse. According to yourname146, store officials then admonished her for not putting the shirts out on the sales floor.

So either Wet Seal doesnt care about the grammatical error, or it is deliberate. Were not sure which is worse.

via The great Wet Seal t-shirt fail – Fashion + Beauty on Shine.

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