Tech companies target EU cloud computing

BRUSSELS, Belgium — Let there be no doubt the European Union is deeply committed to its “Digital Agenda,” the plan to maximize the EU’s use of — and profit from — high technology.

story227 m 01In the first-ever EU State of the Union address Sept. 7, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso declared: “We will deliver a single digital market worth 4 percent of EU GDP by 2020.”

Barroso began his second term at the helm of the commission by creating a position with the high rank of vice-president — Commissioner for the Digital Agenda — specifically to help bring the plan to reality. And he gave the job to none other than “Steely” Neelie Kroes, the former competition commissioner who busted Intel for unfair market dominance and won the bloc’s long fight to get Microsoft to pay up for its failure to allow interoperability.

But those antagonistic chapters between Kroes and the big-tech players may now be overshadowed by a new shared interest — and potential flashpoint — in the form of cloud computing.

Continues at:  Europe | Technology | Computing Cloud.

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