The 100 Coolest Cloud Computing Vendors

fonzieCloud computing certainly has become cool. Some might say it’s on the verge of being “Fonzie cool.” So cool in fact, that nearly everyone is getting in on the game out of fear of being left behind. As we storm into 2010, vendors are either paddling out to catch the wave or risking being sucked in by the undertow; VARs are too.

Among the myriad vendors with their heads in the clouds, there are plenty that do it right. But what makes these 100 cloud vendors collected here so cool isn’t just the technology. These guys attack the cloud with a certain panache. A sort of swagger, if you will. They get the job done and they look good doing it.

And as the cloud continues to evolve from a buzzword to a critical technology, solution providers are going to have to rely on these vendors more and more, especially as organizations look to eliminate the overhead and capital expenditures that legacy on-premise hardware and software solutions can carry. Moving applications and systems into the cloud is the future, and the future is now.

See full article and the list here:  The 100 Coolest Cloud Computing Vendors.

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