The 2015 CMYK Manifesto: Invest In The Future Of Print


The Following Topics Are Over And Done With For 2015!

MSP/PSP… WTF! Enough already. No acronym is going to change the perception of what you do if you have presses in the building. Printing is NOT a dirty word! If you think it is by all means change your company name and help your competition – aka Printers – with their SEO in the process! And please spare us the press releases and “the MSP spin” because pssst… between us… I don’t think you even buy it.

Selling The STATS! Speaking of buying things, when is the last time you sold work, or created a customer using a STAT? How much money is the industry spending on research and materials to “convince” people print is relevant?!? It’s a big business. “Thanks for supporting us” – says everyone cashing checks while playing on our occupational fears and promoting themselves. I am not claiming ALL data is irrelevant, I am simply asking how much of it is truly valuable?

Buyers ONLY Buy On PRICE! You know what, some do. And you know what, some don’t. And the kicker, it’s Printers who have created the situation by competing on price with each other. In the absence of anything more VALUABLE on the table, most everyone chooses on price – whether it’s because you are doing your job and saving your company and clients money on their marketing materials, or deciding where to get your gas. If you think this is the reason you aren’t making sales – run, don’t walk, to the nearest exit.

You! Yep, 2015 is no longer about you so get ready to go cold turkey. Look to the consumer world for marketing strategy and you will see a shift underway from brand messaging being about the brands, to being about their customers. Brands will market by sharing customer stories and experiences with their products and services, and create cross-channel communities where people can come together with others “like them.” Now take that, and apply it to your messaging, marketing and content… everywhere!

Bait And Switchery! Whether it’s a completely unrelated post title, a click inducing social share, or an email with a RE: subject line – the expression “one and done” applies here. You may trick me to look, but consider the last paragraph if that is your goal because the story I am going to tell about YOU, you deserve.

Skipping Steps! After years of working in ad agency Traffic, my default setting is to get from A to B in the most effective and efficient way possible… but cheating isn’t an option. All those social followers/likes you bought are empty accounts adding no value to the community, or your business. Nothing more unsocial then that! #BeReal


The Mission For 2015: Invest In The Future of Print

Growing up in the Age of Asteroids (and Millipede! and Ms Pac Man! etc), I am a sucker for arcade games. A few weeks ago I saw Pitfall in the Apple Store and it’s my current addiction. The game is pretty simple and requires navigating obstacles that pop up in your path while the Indiana Jones-like character runs to escape a volcanic eruption. The further you move along, the faster he runs while you jump, slide, ride, duck, and whip anything in your path.

I found myself stuck navigating a quick series of obstacles. It was repetitive, so after many tries I knew the sequence but my thoughts of jump, duck, go left, jump, slide, slide, duck, weren’t translating to my fingers quick enough. By accident I found the solution… don’t focus on the obstacle right in front of me, look beyond it to the next one. Doing that allowed me to be prepared for what was coming and eliminated having to react to it. Keeping my eye on what was ahead, kept me alive.

That strategy needs to become your mission in 2015. It’s time to look ahead, get prepared, and control your destiny. Investment is key to the future of print, and the key to yours. Here are a few things to invest in starting this year:

Invest In Education! This topic is a repeat from my 2014 CMYK Manifesto, but without it we stand still and fester. Seek out events, educational opportunities and create a culture of learning within your company. The industry is moving too fast and knowledge is the ultimate power in the information age. Don’t get left behind.

Invest In Your Customers! The future of your business is tied to mobile devices. Get input from your customers, and develop an app that will help them stay connected to their work wherever they are, whenever they want.

Invest In Your Capabilities! Your next big move needs to include a serious purchase that will open new doors. Think of growing market/consumer needs for customization and personalization. Think of opportunities in labels, packaging, and wide-format. Think of inkjet and digital printing. Think of short-run bookmaking. Think of Scodix (sorry, I can’t help myself!) and equipment to add cool-factor and additional value to everything you print. Get educated and get that new machine on your floor as quickly as you can make it happen.

Invest In Partners! If you can’t do it, partner with someone who can. Because if you can’t do it, I will hire someone else who can. Customers like one-stop shopping. Why get left out?

Invest In Your Communications! Go and ask ten 20-somethings how THEY would prefer to communicate with a business they did business with, and don’t be surprised if email doesn’t make the list. Get your social media groundwork underway. Enter new channels and amp up your presence with valuable contributions to the community. It takes TIME to do it right!

Invest In The Industry! As I stated in this post: Innovation, Personalization And The Cloud + More Predictions For Print In 2015 – Print and Paper are already in the line of “environmental” fire, and will be even more in 2015. Help Two Sides (select the country that applies to you) on their mission to end “go green, go paperless” greenwashing by joining as a member for as little as $250 for the year. “Click. Share. Bust Some Myths” as often as you can through your channels… we are all in this together!

Invest In A NEW Print Story! Print is the most effective information transfer device known to this world. With remarkable industry advancements, ability to incorporate a myriad of marketing technologies and the super adaptable nature of delivery, print IS new media. Leave the traditional talk for AM radio and PBS.

I think 2015 is going to be an amazing year. I’m going to continue with my mission to explore new events… to seek out cool print and share your stories… to boldly blog where no one has blogged before… and hang out with all of you in The Printerverse at GRAPH EXPO!

Print Long and Prosper!


9 Responses

  1. This post strikes the perfect tone. 
    There is so much BS out there, and half of it we’re feeding ourselves. I think it’s important to recognize that there is no single formula that is going to work for all of us formerly-known-as-printing-companies. Sure, pay attention to trends. Pay attention to markets. Pay attention to what your competition is doing. Even pay some attention to Matt Parker <zing!>. But most importantly, pay attention to your customers and add value. When has it ever been different? 
    Many moons ago, my teammates and I had a very straightforward call to action, “Cut the sh*t and let’s win.”

  2. You are absolutely correct, yet it is the hardest thing to get printers to see.

    As a consultant and service provider to the industry, it amazes us how little the industry is prepared to invest in training, skills and niche markets, while often blaming price.
    We find an industry that is paralysed by fear, yet  continues to invest in the wrong things.
    The opportunity is there for company’s who invest in their own people and customers by developing skills  and processes that drive cost down and increase efficiencies. 

    In many markets there are still good opportunities in Print.
    We just need to act rather than re-act.

  3. Great article! The points you highlight really hit home. It’s hard sometimes to think outside of the box when you’ve lived in it for so long. The industry has changed, and hearing fresh perspectives on how we can change with it strengthens my resolve. Thank you.


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