The Five People You Meet on a Zoom Call

creating personas for sales and marketing

After over a month in isolation, there are probably not many people who do not know what a ZOOM call is. And you know that a phenomenon has reached its’ peak when the Holderness Family spoofs it. If you haven’t seen it, or you need another giggle, you can see it here.

I have been on no fewer than 40 Zoom calls in the last 4 weeks, and I am sure many of you out there have got that beat. I have had meetings with clients, colleagues, Girls Who Print, and I have hosted some sales-focused ones as well. Add to that family and friends, and I am all zoomed out.

Would it surprise you to know that ZOOM posted a 78% sales increase recently? You can read about it here at

But here are a few of the archetypes that have emerged from this new(ish) tool.

1. Sheila – She cannot center her face on the screen. We either see most of the top of her head, or she sits way off to one side. But what you do not realize about her is that she does NOT like using video, and she is trying. She is embracing this new technology and making the best of it, so we can all just cut her a little slack, and maybe tell her offline that she can opt to not share her camera. Baby steps there, Sheila.

2. Jim – Attends, shares video screen, does not say one word and scowls the whole time. You just watch him up there in his upper right corner, scowling and looking like he doesn’t’ want to be there. But he stays, and he listens. Is he processing? Is he worried about a family member who is a front-line worker, or he is over being locked in a house with 3 small kids who all want ALL THE SNACKS ALL THE TIME?

3. Sara – Hijacks the conversation to focus solely on freaking out. We know Sara. We are all freaked out. Your reactions are not helping Sara. There is not one single person in the ENTIRE world who is not being affected by this. Does it help to remind you of that? No one is untouched by what is happening right now. No one.

4. Matt – Attends in a meaningful way, but either mutes himself or stops their camera 100 times, either because of a child or a pet in the background. Dude. We feel you. We know you have kids and a dog that barks. This is life now. Just let it happen. No one will be mad at you because of your life situation. Jim might look cranky, but he is not mad at YOU!

5. Diane – Attends, contributes relevant and thoughtful content, and now you want to be her best friend IRL when this is over. You plan to meet up for coffee/drink/walk at Printing United/Label Expo/ Starbucks “when this is all over”

When this is all over let us hope that we all emerge stronger and with some new friends, and that we can all meet up at the next show and give each other a thumbs up, handshake, or elbow bump in real life.

BONUS – here is a link to a sign you can put on your door if you need to communicate to those who may interrupt your work

See more posts from Kelly

Kelly Mallozzi.2018_print media centrAs a sales and marketing coach and consultant at Success In Print, Kelly Mallozzi advocates for graphic arts companies to start a revolution and fight to keep print relevant.  She may be irreverent, but what she lacks in convention, she makes up for in smart-assery.

Connect With Kelly: Twitter @SuccessInPrint and check out her weekly blog on Printing Impressions.

Listen to Kelly’s Podcasts From The Printerverse: Achieving Success In Print and Sales with Kelly Mallozzi / Strategies for Sales Success with Bill Farquharson and Kelly Mallozzi

Check out her book, co-authored by Bill Farquharson: Who’s Making Money at Digital/Inkjet Printing…and How

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