The future of firefighting with Augmented Reality

This video is a bit long, so you can fast forward or pause and come back to it when you can, but dont skip at least seeing a part of it. This is truly incredible. It’s funny because Ive heard “its advertising, we arent saving lives” or some version of that a thousand times over my career, and I’d have to imagine the AR/Gaming/Programming Geeks have had their share of that statement as well – so its nice to see this tech being put into the life saving business.

Headmounted display (HMD) Augmented Reality (AR) technology is only a few short years away and the Department of Homeland Security is actively exploring methods to help our firefighters leverage information displays to help them stay alive and help others. Tanagram, under a grant provided by the Department of Homeland Security developed a phase zero Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) enhancement that leverages HMD / AR technology to display critical factors all-the-while not obscuring the firefighter’s field of view.

via The future of firefighting with Augmented Reality – YouTube.

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