The New York Times runs a cross-platform interactive ad campaign in HTML5

 Interesting in the scheme of trend-setting… 

polar bearsby Megan Garber 

Today, for the first time, The New York Times is featuring a single HTML5 interactive ad campaign across its digital platforms. Coca-Cola is running the ads — an extension of its Arctic Home campaign and its long use of polar bears this time of year — not only on, but also on the Times’ iPhone and iPod Touch apps, and on the iPad’s Safari browser. And the ads are consistent (though not identical) across those platforms.

That’s not a huge deal in the scheme of digital advertising, but it’s noteworthy from the perspective of ad coordination, particularly at large news organizations whose content — and audiences — are increasingly distributed across several different, and differently formatted, digital spaces.

Big brands “grapple a lot with how to deal with messaging across platforms,” notes Denise Warren, the SVP and chief advertising officer of The New York Times Media Group and the general manager of A campaign like Coke’s, she told me, which leveraged the skills of the Times’ tech team as well as its ad-sales staff to create message consistency despite platform diversity, tries to tackle that challenge. It tries to offer one-stop-shopping for marketers who want to reach all of a news outlet’s audience, regardless of the tools the members of that audience use to consume their content.

New York Times Coca-Cola ad in HTML5 from Nieman Journalism Lab on Vimeo.

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