The Paper Merchant's Brain is Yours for the Picking

brain gearsI was invited to give a presentation at the Paper Distribution Council’s Annual Meeting back in January of this year. The PDC is part of the NPTA (National Paper Trade Association) which is the distribution arm of the paper industry, and known more commonly as Paper Merchants.  It is through Merchants that Printers buy the paper we use for projects, unless they buy directly from the Paper Mills. But Merchants don’t just service Printers, they can play a vital role in the creation of print as well, if we understand all they can do.

I was fortunate enough to be invited to Millcraft Paper in Cleveland, Ohio to spend the day with Jill DiNicolantonio, eBusiness and Internet Marketing Manager and the “Voice” of Millcraft Paper if you follow them on Twitter, Facebook, or are a member of their LinkedIn Group Full Circle: Paper + Print + Design. What was so cool about the invitation, besides the fact we planned to have dinner at Iron Chef Michael Symon’s Lola Bistro (yes, YUM!), was that Jill wanted to help educate and share information on the services of ALL merchants, not specifically “promote” Millcraft” as the goal of my visit. Who could resist an offer like that! 

We had a great time making these videos for all of you, and hopefully have explained the awesome benefits of working directly with Paper Merchants if you are a Designer, Print Producer or Print Buyer.


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