The PODi AppForum is back in the UK after a 7-year gap

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Leading international organisation for digital printing announces one-day conference in London on March 29

Customer case studies will take centre-stage at the PODi European AppForum which takes place in London on March 29. The last time PODi ran a major event in the UK was 2005. PODi returns to the London College of Communication for this one-day conference which will feature case studies about real applications of digital printing in marketing and publishing.

Speakers from digital printing businesses and their customers will share their experience of successful marketing campaigns, on-demand publishing and web-to-print applications.

Tony Hodgson, Director of PODi in the UK, says: “The PODi AppForum is a unique formula in the industry. It is about best practice, not theory. It covers real examples of successful case studies involving digital print. It provides insight not just from printers, but from their customers too, on how digital print and cross-media benefits their businesses”.

Talks will include a cross-media customer acquisition campaign for a business services organisation, a web to print programme for a charity, a customer retention programme for a major utility and how print on demand supports a publishers growing e-book business.

Tony Hodgson adds: “The AppForum is not just about suppliers and printers talking to each other. It adds the customer perspective: how digital printing is applied to help their business challenges. That’s what customers want to hear about.”

Hodgson, who has just returned from PODi’s flagship AppForum event in the USA attended by 400 delegates, regards the event in London in March as the start of a series which he will take across Europe. He says: “I’m getting interest from people in other European countries, especially from Scandinavia, the Benelux region and Germany. Printers everywhere are wanting to change and are seeking leadership, direction and education to do that.”

About PODi

PODi is a member-supported not-for-profit organisation with affiliates in the USA, UK and Australia. Its goals are to grow the market for digital print, help members grow their businesses and build a community of professionals who value sharing ideas and experience.

PODi has been at the forefront of the digital printing industry for over 15 years. Ten years ago it discovered the trend for a new breed of printer called which it called “marketing service providers”. It has championed the use of personalisation, cross-media and web to print since the beginning and grown the world’s largest collection of case studies of successful and innovative applications of digital printing.

More info on the PODi European AppForum 2012 at

More info about PODi at


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