The Wonderful World Of HP High-Speed Inkjet At #Dscoop9


There are a few things you can count on when I go to an industry event: You’re going to learn something, you’re going to meet cool people, and you’re going to get inspired by something. To achieve those goals in the simplest way, just look for the HP booth and find Pat McGrew!

Even though I have known Pat for quite some time, and consider her my mentor for all things print on the industry/machine side of things, I couldn’t get near her with a 10 foot poll at Dscoop. Every time I passed by she was surrounded by HP customers hoping to get a few minutes of her time. I managed to steal about 10 mins when the sessions started, and was able to make a video with her to share with you.

Inkjet is still a weird subject and always raises a lot of questions when it comes up in #printchat or my LinkedIn Group. Is it digital print or its own thing? Why would you use it? Does it replace another process? I didn’t ask those specific questions, but Pat did touch upon some of that as we were looking at customer samples. Here again HP made the community the stars of the show – which would make Pat more like Oprah I suppose!

I am grateful for every opportunity I have to learn more about inkjet, and that this technology was represented at the conference. Judging by the line to see Pat, it seems I was definitely not alone in that! Check out the video, connect with @PatMcGrew on Twitter, and you can find out more about HP’s inkjet offerings here:


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