This Just in: The Dead Don't Tweet… See where you rank

People in advertising/marketing jobs are nothing if not social. A new report from NetProspex ranks industries by the degree to which their employees are involved in using social media, and “advertising & marketing” ranked second only to “search engines/online portals.”

images 1Filling out the top 10 in the standings of most social of the 50 industries measured were “banking,” “traditional media (TV, radio, newspapers, magazines),” “toys & games,” “human resources & recruiting,” “information technology,” “software,” “consumer electronics” and “retail apparel.”

The industry ranking the lowest for engagement with social media: “funeral homes & funeral-related services.” (Readers may insert their own tasteless joke here to account for that sector’s showing.) The report did add, though, that while funeral-industry workers do little tweeting, “They do, however, have more Facebook friends than people who work at zoos & national parks.”

Continues at:  Ad Folks Rank High for Social Engagement.

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