This Labor Day Thank Canada and PRINT For Your Day Off!

I resurrect this post every year… enjoy!

On Labor Day, while you are grilling away and sipping on a nice cold refreshing cocktail, don’t forget to take a moment to thank Canada and PRINT for your day off.

1900s Toronto LabourDay ParadeIn what is now Toronto on March 25 1872, the Typographical Society (Printer’s Union) went on strike against The Globe newspaper due to the long hours that were required of them to work six days a week.  When George Brown, owner of the newspaper refused their request of a 9-hour day, the presses shut down at The Globe and at other papers as well. Almost a month later, with no agreement in sight, the Toronto Trades Assembly organized a march that included workers from other fields and headed to the government offices.

first labor day parade union square nyc 1882

What started as a Printer’s strike ended up changing Canadian Law and the workers won their right to a 9-hour workday.  A few years later the head of the American Federation of Labor was in Toronto speaking at a labor festival and yada yada yada he came back to US and organized a Labor Parade which eventually the Central Labor Union turned into Labor Day on September 5, 1882 in New York. In 1894 it became a Federal Holiday.


So why, you may ask, do I tell you this story instead of just wishing you a nice 3-day weekend?  Well, if it weren’t for the PRINT INDUSTRY in another country, you wouldn’t be having one.

Nope, I am not going to get preachy on a Friday or stand on a soapbox and argue the benefits of emerging print markets in the global economy and how those benefits benefit you too in the long run.  That is another post. I am simply going to say when you raise your glass on Monday, have one for the workers of the world – especially those at work without the day off – and THANK YOU for all you do!

One Response

  1. I might just point out that it wasn’t actually the print “industry” so much as the print Union that won the fight. What we would call the “industry” (employers and employer associations) fought it tooth and nail.

    Here’s to print unions – worldwide!


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