This one time, in Print Traffic…

H 15286It takes a special person to fill the job I have always described as being “all guts, and no glory” to the 100′s of candidates I’ve interviewed over the years. Traffic is not for the weak. It is a delicate balance of asserting power, when you officially have none, and getting the job done no matterhow many glitches attack your 10x revised project schedule. It’s a juggling act with chainsaws that tests your skills as a “people person” minute by minute… personality by personality of all you work with. Your personality mix is 1 part parent, 1 part therapist, 1 part saviour, 1 part pain in the ass, and 1 part anal retentive, detailed oriented, thoroughly organized, keep it moving machine. The position requires stamina, quick thinking intelligence and a finesse for certain, and its why many agencies use Traffic as entry level get in the door opportunities – sort of a trial by fire if you can make it there you can make it anywhere test… and you will be tested.

With all that being said, one of the greatest aspects of Traffic is that you work directly with many departments and people. On your second day you could be standing in the Presidents office if she/he is needed in the review process, where others only get that close at company functions. You can experience what each department does and if your goal isnt the path to Production, you can use your developed relationships to move to alternative paths. And no matter what your path, your working knowledge of how all the departments intertwine and the process to get jobs accomplished makes you a better candidate overall.

I love Traffic. It’s where I come from and how I got to where I am. I traffic myself, my work, my friends when making plans… I even traffic my dishwasher so all my trips from there to the cupboards are effective and efficient. Some may say its a personality disorder, and reading that back I might have to agree, but last night as I put away my dishes in only 3 moves I starting cracking up at all the things I have witnessed in my traffic travels and that reminded me of American Pie, and the “this one time, in band camp” prelude…

See full post at:  This one time, in Print Traffic… | Deborah Corn.


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