Top 10 YouTube Videos About Printing 3D Objects

A world where we download objects off the Web the same way we currently download our data? If this futuristic notion is one day going to come true, it’s thanks to 3D printing developers like FormZ,ProtoPulsionZ CorpPrint2 3D, and Thing Labs. Our selection of the top videos mostly come from these companies.

The number one video in this collection, however, is more ideal than real. The Star Trek Replicator according to Wikipedia “…can create any inanimate matter, as long as the desired molecular structure is on file, but it cannot create antimatter, dilithium, latinum, or a living organism of any kind. In theory it seems to work similar to a universal assembler.” In the real world, today’s developers have countless innovations they must achieve before 3D printers can come anywhere near Star Trek’s replicator. But once it does become possible, what’s the first object you’d most want to download off the Web?

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