Tree Guilt Justified?

Picture 2If you read the New York Times online (who doesn’t?) you can’t have missed Starbuck’s Make A Difference campaign on April 15th. The coffee company bought the Times home page for the day, with a double-wide banner ad at the top of the page, featuring the Make A Difference “film” (or what used to be called a commercial).  (

The film showed, in a series of swiftly moving images, New Yorkers of all stripes exchanging their paper cups for plastic reusable mugs, then placing the paper cups, coffee inside, on the ground to form a huge pixelated tree (a redwood, I think).

Besides a bit of missing logic (they appeared to be exchanging a full paper cup for an empty plastic mug) the ad was quite successful in tapping into a simple desire of Homo Greenus: to Save the Trees by using less paper.

read full article at:  Tree Guilt Justified? |Triple Pundit.


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