Unleash Your Inner Guerrilla Marketer – Social Media Success Tips

Social media is the ultimate energy vs. money marketing tool–put it to work for your business.

ar124063195071705Jay Conrad Levinson coined the term “guerrilla marketing” in the 1980s, defining it as an approach for “achieving conventional goals, such as profits and joy, with unconventional methods, such as investing energy instead of money.”

With four words–energy instead of money–Levinson won the hearts and influenced the marketing plans of entrepreneurs everywhere. His concept fueled the sale of 14 million books, leveling the playing field between marketing-budget haves and have-nots and inspiring a long-standing preference among small-business leaders for innovative, low-cost, high-energy communications over textbook, big-dollar tactics.

Viewing Social Media as a Guerrilla Marketing Tool

Yet small businesses, the original guerrilla marketing advocates, have been hesitant about investing effort–which is about all thats required–in the fastest-growing, most innovative and unconventional communication channel of the day.”If a business can devote just an hour every other day it can achieve social media presence that nurtures leads and keeps people engaged,” says Peter Wylie, lead researcher for the Emerging Media Research Council of  Three Ships Media. “But small businesses have a wait-and-see attitude because they dont understand whats involved and they overestimate the commitment of time required.”

See full article at:  Unleash Your Inner Guerrilla Marketer – Social Media Success Tips – Entrepreneur.com.

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