Unlock the Hidden Value of Client Communications with Print, Mail and Digital Solutions


This article originally appeared on pitneybowes.com as part of the Graph Expo 2014 coverage.

When Johannes Gutenberg made his revolutionary reveal at the 1455 Frankfurt Book Fair – his moveable metal type printing press and 200 bibles he’d printed over the previous three years – it was clear the printing process would never be the same.

What Gutenberg couldn’t have known is that just how much his printing press would impact mass communication and the dissemination of information. It would take another 500 years – after the rise of the Internet – for another technology to have such a dramatic impact again.

Thanks to Gutenberg and countless others after him, businesses today still use print and mail communications to interact with customers across multiple channels and grow their business. And why wouldn’t they? Readers are more likely to remember content – both general topics and main points – when they see it in print compared to online.


And unlike in 15th century Germany, today’s print and mail communications are affordable, personal and engaging – that is, as long as you have the right printing technology. At Graph Expo 2014, Pitney Bowes showcased our versatile portfolio of integrated technology solutions that help our clients get more out of their customer communications.

So, whether you’re in printing, mailing and fulfilment, digital imaging or publishing, here’s what integrated marketing solutions can do for your business and how Pitney Bowes can help:

Cut Costs

When you look at print and mail as an end-to-end process, just as you would a manufacturing process, it’s easier to improve operational performance. The key is to increase the value of each mail piece, while reducing the cost of production. By streamlining print and mail workflow, consolidating resources, lowering postage costs, and complying with regulatory requirements, you’ll drastically lower operational costs and improve your margins. The White Paper Factory ™ solution makes it possible.

Customize the Message

Getting personal and relevant has never been this important for businesses. Content is everywhere and consumers don’t have long attention spans. By customizing communications to your customers and making them more relevant for each recipient, you’re more likely to catch the eye of your customers. By using the Spectrum for Printstream Software solution, you can add targeted and relevant offers to the outside of the envelope or on the document itself to pique their interest.

Stay Customer-Centric

By personalizing communications, you also send a message to your customers that you’re interested in building stronger relationships with them. The RISO ComColor® X1 Printer produces more engaging business documents, which in turn, will help your business convert future cross-sell and upsell opportunities.

Visit pitneybowes.com to learn more about our versatile portfolio of integrated, innovative technology solutions can help you get more out of your everyday print and mail customer communications, and follow us on Twitter at @pitneybowes and @pbmailsolutions.


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