USPS Asks PRC to Reject AMA’s Request

The U.S. Postal Service wants the Postal Regulatory Commission to reject a motion by the Affordable Mail Alliance to dismiss the Postal Service’s exigent rate hike proposal filed on July 6.1117311 old mail box 2

USPS officials said the AMA made “manifestly misleading comparisons” and advanced a “strained and fatally flawed interpretation” of existing law. The AMA filed its motion on July 26, claiming the exigent rate hike – an average of 10 times the rate of inflation – violates the cost controls Congress implemented to protect customers.

In a statement released Aug. 2 the USPS listed a “number of mistakes, misrepresentations and misinformation” contained in the AMA’s request, including:

The Postal Service has proven extraordinary circumstances: Precipitous, unprecedented and unforeseen drops in mail volume are inarguable and meet the definition and spirit of the law. The worst recession since the Great Depression meets this criteria, according to the USPS.

The AMA knows that the Postal Service has very specific legislative and regulatory restraints in labor and workforce issues: The USPS has no discretion under the law to suspend any benefits, payments, including matching contributions to workers’ Thrift Savings Plans. More than 93% of private sector companies and 88% of public sector companies do not have union representation. Those that do are not forced to rely on an interest arbitrator to resolve contract negotiations.

See full article at:  USPS Asks PRC to Reject AMA’s Request.

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