How to Incorporate MORE Video In Your Social Media Marketing


As marketers we have to consider the world that we live in. With smart phones, tablets, high def monitors people are flocking to YouTube for, well, just about everything. Think about your own personal style of internet research. Be honest. How often do you click on the “Videos” tab in the Google search option? Do you browse through YouTube for what you want? If your answer is yes, don’t feel bad, you’re not alone. In fact, over six billion hours of videos are watched by more than one billion individuals in a single month on YouTube alone; that doesn’t count any other videos that people are watching on any other channel (see the YouTube statistics pages). Video is big and it’s getting bigger. If you are thinking about incorporating it into your marketing strategy, here are some ideas to get you started.

Interviews /video discussions

If you are thinking about incorporating video in your marketing, but are not quite sure how to begin, consider conducting an interview or hosting a video chat with experts in your industry. Platforms such as Skype or ooVo work great for this. See Leveraging Content to Grow Your Audience and Gain Loyal Fans for a good example.

Tips/how to/how it works

This perhaps is one of the most popular types of videos out there. How-to and helpful-tip videos are always popular strategies to expand the interest of your target audience. From cooking videos to social media advice to exercise, the topics are vast. Rest assured, there is someone out there who needs your advice and education.

Events and campaigns

Recording live events and seminars and sharing them with others is smart. Think about it. Free content! Print Media Centr does this with industry events all of the time. Here are some good examples from the recent Pitney Bowes Innovation Summit.

Create a series

You could create an entire series. This is a great way to gain follower. Foldfactory is one company, for example, that has been successful at creating a video series. They have over 300 “Super-cool Fold of the Week” videos that come out every Thursday for their viewers. Just remember, if you decide to create a series, consistency is key to keeping the interest of your audience.

Animated Video

Animated videos are fun, eye catching, and concise for any audience. They can be used for just about any topic you can think of and are extremely effective in almost all circumstances. When creating an animation, you have complete control over your environment. Lighting, camera resolution, and sound are not problems that you need to worry about. So what does an animated video look like? Here is one example from Two Sides NA.

No matter what type of business you have, videos are HOT! Integrating video into your marketing is one of the smartest investments you will make, guaranteed. If nothing else, it is sure to freshen up your image and help you tell your story. But hey, you don’t have to take my word for it, see for yourself

Jennifer_Grace_PrintMediaCentrJennifer Grace is a freelance marketer who helps companies achieve results through strategic business development, content creation, and social media marketing. She is a writer, photographer, and lover of print. Her extensive experience in print sales and marketing helps printers authentically connect with their customers, prospects, and millennials. Jen is a contributor to Print Media Centr’s News From The Printerverse, and a regular at #PrintChat Wednesday’s at 4PM ET on Twitter.

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