Visit Hawaii using Augmented Reality and Print!

If a picture is worth a thousand words, this is priceless. Using Augmented Reality,  Hawaii is hoping that this campaign will entice the citizens of Seattle and Chicago to book vacations and avoid at least some of the harsh winter weather soon to be showing up. I have worked on many tourism and travel accounts and know the value of a good image in this type of marketing. The sky must be blue, the waters clear, and anyone in the photo has to be having the time of their life. Endless dollars and hours are spent getting those images perfect so all we do as the audience is picture ourselves on that beach chair sipping that Pina Colada. This campaign is the evolution of that – the image entices you and the video literally takes you there. It’s an amazing added value to a multi-channel print campaign, and I hope it proves successful!  Aloha!

Perfect Hawaiian Islands moments in Chicago

The Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau (HVCB) turned its attention to Seattle and Chicago throughout September and October, typically blustery months, targeting the cities’ avid travelers and residents with various consumer events and blitzes aimed at increasing visitor arrivals to Hawaii.

HVCB’s campaign, a part of ongoing marketing efforts in North America, focused on Hawaii’s culture, people and history, and the many experiences visitors can have while vacationing only in Hawaii.

The Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau, has incorporated the company’s augmented-reality technology into a monthlong marketing saturation campaign that combine print, broadcast, online and outdoor advertising with public relations, consumer events and travel trade outreach.

Continues at:  Perfect Hawaiian Islands moments in Chicago | Turismo Experiencial.


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