What can printed magazines do that e-versions can't?

The mystery of who is Mr. D. Eadward Tree is not the subject of this post, though I am tempted at times to offer up a reward for that piece of information. I wouldn’t expose him, Im just one of those people who wants what I can’t have! What isn’t a mystery however is Mr. Tree’s  continued dedication and support of the print and publishing industry, and his love/hate relationship with the USPS that is quite often the subject of his blog. I interviewed him back in 2010, and since then we have developed a camaraderie, well, as much as you can with someone you still refer to as Mr. Tree, but he is always entertaining and informative and like me stays up late and replies to emails at odd hours.

Last night, shortly before midnight, Mr. Tree sent me once such email and asked if  I thought the PMC community would have thoughts on “What printed magazines can do that e-versions can’t.” Taking that more as a rhetorical question since I know you ALL do, it just became a matter to decide how best to get your comments. So here are a few options: Feel free to comment on this post, or in this discussion in my Print Production Professionals LinkedIn Group, Tweet to Mr. Tree @DeadTreeEdition, Tweet to us @PrintMediaCentr, or comment on our Facebook Page. You can also email Mr. Tree directly at dead.tree.edition@gmail.com, but use that as a last resort since no one will know what you said but Mr. Tree, and you may just inspire thousands with your point of view.

I thank you in advance for your participation.  SAVE THE PUBS!

Your thoughts: What printed magazines can do that e-versions can’t – from D. Eadward Tree

37a4a3dOK, fellow print geeks, it’s time to come to the defense of magazines — I mean real magazines, the kind created with ink on paper. The magazine industry has fallen so in love with iPads, Nooks, and Kindles that it’s forgotten that there are certain things only printed magazines can do. (Ever tried to enclose a product sample in an app or to produce a fluorescent cover for a browser-based magazine?) We print types in publishing (those of us who are still left) are tired of working with an advertiser on a creative gatefold concept only to have some RGB wizard complain that it can’t be replicated on an e-reader. Or trying to explain to that not-so-bright sales rep why the scratch-and-sniff insert he sold really can’t be inserted into the iPad version. So I’m writing an article for Publishing Executive, the trade publication for the U.S. magazine industry, about things printed magazines can do that apps and other e-editions simply can’t. I already have a list, but I’d love to hear your ideas.


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