What Digital Asset Management can mean to a Printer

Picture 1We all talk about the myriad of ways a printer might add value to the services he provides his Client in these troubled times; Cross-channel, Multi-channel, email marketing and the likes.

One service is very much closer to home than you might think.

Many printers save files for Clients in one form or another. How often has a Client called asking for the return of a file that was used to produce ‘such and such’ a job?

In these days where the amount of content created and consumed is rapidly rising and where the channels for that content are many and various, there is often the case for the printer to offer a more sophisticated solution for that Client to manage those files.

Enter the expression Digital Asset Management, or DAM as we like to call it!

Why not turn that un-official service into a managed service, offering a sophisticated solution to manage client assets, be they artwork files, images, logos etc, but increasingly audio and video files?

Large organizations may already have such a service in place and no doubt you might already work with some, but many organizations are waking up to the need to manage that content in a more strategic way. Why not extend what you might already do to create another source of revenue? These skills are probably inside your organization already, unlike those required to offer multi-channel communication. Why not harness them now?

To help you consider the secrets of a successful DAM implementation strategy may I invite you to see the recent paper I have written for Createasphere, found at: www.damroadmap.com

Happy DAMing!

Nigel Cliffe

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