Incorporating a bigger picture view into your marketing efforts, and attracting new customers, can be as simple as the answer to this question “What is the intention of your business?”
Did you answer to make money? I bet in less than two minutes based upon what I see on your website and through social media channels I would know that is how you answered. I dont have a magic marketing Rosetta Stone to decipher that intention, I am the audience… and since you are speaking to me, if you have done that well enough I am receiving your message loud and clear. But here is the issue, MY intention is not to make you rich. MY intention is to find help and information.
I cannot tell you how many times I have been asked what is the “business model for PMC?” I respond that PMC is a platform created to share information and resources with our community of Print & Integrated Marketing Professionals. Puzzled, they reply… “no, I meant how do you make money?” …to which I respond “by partnering with like-minded people and companies.” I doubt my answers would make any of Wharton’s top 10 lists regarding business philosophy, but the INTENTION of this website is to help people get information on tools, trends, products and services that can help them do THEIR jobs better, and help the next generation navigate their way.
If I went to your site now, how much of the tone relates to selling me on your products and services vs sharing information on products and services? Does every blog post end with “contact us” for more information? Do I need to provide a dna sample along with a legal sized contact form to get in touch with you? Is your content so focused on telling me who you are that there is no room for me to get to you know on my own terms? Are you communicating at me or with me? How many of your Facebook pages dont allow fans to post on your wall so all visitors see are your posts? Do you have the page locked unless I “like” you? What are you blogging/tweeting about – your products and services?
There is no grey area when it comes to remaining profitable to stay in business, and being in the business of profit. It’s all in the intention, and that is black or white. Give, share, open up communication channels and use social media to be social… the rest will follow.