What to pitch if you want to sell marketing services vs. printing services

8387460429643842081I have been working with a special customer from London called X1.  They are determined to make a change and offer their customers more value.  Their next natural step being a commercial printer was to move from selling print services to selling marketing services.  Many things needed to be addressed in order to plan and execute this transformation with success.  I’d like to share with you what happened when they started to put their marketing pitch together.

The following is what their brochure started saying:

“X1 offers a comprehensive one stop shop solution for its clients. We provide a diverse range of services including design, branding, digital and litho printing, colour-copying, direct mail and fulfillment”

We are not creating the right market perception this way.  If we keep just talking about manufacturing the marketing product/s and not HOW we can help our customers sell more of what they sell, we will fail.

We edited this to:

“X1 offers you a one-stop solution, providing a comprehensive range of marketing and communication services. Our goal is to help you sell more of what you are selling, creatively and sensitively, using a wide range of communication channels.”

Big difference, don’t you think?  Now we have the right focus and we are showing that we have a better understanding of what our customers needs are today!

See full article at:  Kodak: Grow Your Biz.


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