What will the Internet be like in 2025?

internet worldWhat will the Internet be like in 2025?

How much bigger will it have grown from todays 2 billion users and $3 trillion market?Will it have achieved its full potential to connect the worlds entire population in ways that advance global prosperity, business productivity, education and social interaction?Or will it be something less?

Cisco and the Monitor Groups Global Business Network, the world leader in scenario planning, today publish “The Evolving Internet.” The report examines the driving forces and uncertainties that will – in whatever combination – shape the path of the Internet over the next 15 years.

In four scenarios – the result of more than a years worth of research, data collection and interviews – different potential pathways are described and detailed. The scenarios suggest how a range of critical factors might play out, such as net neutrality policies, infrastructure investments, consumer response to new pricing models, and technology adoption.

Continues at:  The Evolving Internet: A look ahead to 2025 by Cisco and the Monitor Groups Global Business Network -> Cisco News.


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