What's Causing Rising Paper Prices?

via: Millcraft Paper Company: What’s Causing Rising Paper Prices?.

national gas price average 2012If you are at all related to the commercial print industry, most likely you’ve seen the recent rise in paper prices. And if you’re like many out there, you’re not sure what’s behind the increase. We asked our resident expert and president of Millcraft Paper, Travis Mlakar, to give us his take on the reason behind the increases.

There are two key factors driving up prices in our industry right now – diesel fuel and capacity closures.

First, let’s look at diesel fuel. The price of diesel fuel for the week of March 19, 2012 averaged $4.14 per gallon nationwide. This is the highest it has been since the week of August 25, 2008! Compared to last year at this time, the prices are up just 6%; but when you look at the price of diesel fuel in March 2010, prices are up 41%. Looking back even further, current prices are up 105% compared to March 2009.

Why is this so important? Because it takes four trucks, on average, to get you your paper. Let me explain…

A paper mill requires roughly two in-bound trucks for every single out-bound truck hauling finished paper. Typically, the out-bound paper ends up on the merchant’s floor. Then you – the customer – orders it, and it gets loaded on yet another truck for final delivery. In this scenario, rising fuel prices hit the supply chain as many as four times, driving prices up exponentially.

continues at:  Millcraft Paper Company: What’s Causing Rising Paper Prices?.


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