Who owns print?

The Paragon Press, 1829 woodcut
Image via Wikipedia

Who owns print is a good question and we may also want to ask ‘Who should own print?’ Corporations spend considerable time and effort managing and maximising investment in areas such as IT; HR; facilities and other direct spend areas. However, they typically overlook a huge but hidden commodity – print.

If we agree with Aberdeen that between 2% and 3% of a corporates’ entire spend is print, this oversight is a major one. One reason why this occurs, notes Christian Bell from Point SA, is that the commodity is frequently ‘owner-less’.

Bell continues: Who does and who should own this significant commodity? Marketing would seem to be the obvious answer but then we need to consider procurement or even finance. One challenge in embarking on a print management programme is to find the correct business sponsor. Savings of 20% and over which we are proving should be motivational enough, but in reality corporates are caught up with
finding the true ‘owner’. These projects are either delayed, or worse, still shelved as a result of this.

Continues @ http://mediaupdate.co.za/default.aspx?IDStory=25963

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