Why Digital Asset Management (DAM) is Valuable for Global Marketing

Swiss Army knife in wide open mode
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Why Digital Asset Management (DAM) is Valuable for Global Marketing | We Speak Digital Media.

Global marketing is a challenge, regardless of the size of the company.  In order to communicate with your customers and prospect you have to have the right content, in the right format, where the customer or prospect wants to consume it. The “right content” means that the pictures, text, videos, audio, messaging and more are appropriate for each region, geography, demographic or culture, and device.  In regulated industries, like pharmaceutical and medical devices, it also has to comply with various regulations.  Even within a country such as here in the US, how do you make sure that you’re marketing snow shovels in winter in New England while you’re marketing swimsuits and golf clubs in Florida and Arizona?

Having the right content for the right region is one challenge. Having the processes in place to assure that you’ve got the content in the first place, and you’re using it correctly where it’s needed, and can review and approve it, is another challenge.  So much of marketing is communicating with images, graphics, video etc.  but often we don’t know, or can’t find or feel we have to create or re-create this content for each project.  In many organizations this marketing content is not under management.  It’s strewn about various people’s laptop hard drives and email systems.  Think for yourself, can you find what you need when you need it?  In one place? And in the format that you need?  And further, how do you conduct your review and approval processes — by email and perhaps PDF?  Are you sure you have the right, most current version of the file?  How do you know?  Are your processes efficient or time consuming?  Could they be streamlined — making sure that everyone who needs to be involved, IS involved, regardless of where they are in the world, and is working on the right version of the file, and that some tool is monitoring that process so you don’t have to?  Most global or regional marketing review processes involve many people, often across time zones and typically one person is tasked with “herding the cats” across regions, making sure the review, approval, revision process continues and stays on track.

Continues @ http://wespeakdigitalmedia.com

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2 Responses

  1. Right On ! Another enabler is Adobes XMP. If we all agree that the Assets contain XMP data, this makes DAM system developers have a better please to look for and append the metadata in the assets. I spoke at a conference recently about how different vendors use XMP data, perhaps others may find this useful – here is a link – BTW, feel fre to steal the content !


    Hope this helps !

    Questions ? –> michaelejahn@gamil.com

  2. Right On ! Another enabler is Adobes XMP. If we all agree that the Assets contain XMP data, this makes DAM system developers have a better please to look for and append the metadata in the assets. I spoke at a conference recently about how different vendors use XMP data, perhaps others may find this useful – here is a link – BTW, feel fre to steal the content !


    Hope this helps !

    Questions ? –> michaelejahn@gamil.com


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