Winning Print Customers by Losing the Print Pitch

Podcasts From The Printerverse launched two new series at the end of 2019 that you should be paying attention to. The #PrinterChatPodcast features Will Crabtree, Owner of, and Jamie McLennan, Creative Print Strategist at DMR Graphics, and we discuss the boots-on-the-ground business of print. Print Buying #UKvUSA is an ongoing discussion/debate between me and Matthew Parker, Champion of Print at Profitable Print Relationships, on how to create meaningful connections and relevant sales conversations with print customers.

In two recent episodes, on two different topics, we had a crossover topic emerge… Selling print by not selling print! It’s interesting to hear the perspective from printers (Will and Jamie) and from print customers (me and Matthew) when it comes to breaking through the sales noise with meaningful information and new opportunities. Have a listen!!!

podcasts about creating better business relationships

In this episode of Print Buying #UKvUSA about Creating Better Communication with Print Customers, focusing on helping print buyers and marketers achieve their business results and champion new ideas and possibilities within their companies is discussed as a door opener that can truly set printers apart from the growing pack of ‘better price/quality/service’ sales zombies.

PrinterChat Podcast 01

In this #PrinterChatPodcast episode about One Stop Print Shops, using Web-to-Print as a customer incentive and promotional tool produced a viable sales and marketing strategy that can be adapted, applied and implemented right now!


Find 300 (and growing!) episodes of Podcasts From The Printerverse on your preferred podcast platform or app, and subscribe to get alerts on new episodes from these and other #PMCpodcasts.

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We welcome guests, and we want to hear your comments and ideas for topics that matter to you and your business. Leave your thoughts below, or join the bigger conversations in my LinkedIn Group, Print Production Professionals.

If you are interested in sponsoring these programs or creating your own series for the Podcasts From The Printerverse Channel, get in touch and let’s get it going! #PMCpodcasts have been downloaded by more than 77,000 listeners in 123 counties and can be a strategic tool for business growth.

Listen Long and Prosper!

DeborahCorn-PrintMediaCentrDeborah Corn is the Intergalactic Ambassador to The Printerverse™ at Print Media Centr, a Print Buyerologist™, industry speaker and blogger, host of Podcasts from The Printerverse, cultivator of Print Production Professionals the #1 print group on LinkedIn, Head Girl in Charge (H.G.I.C.) at GirlsWhoPrint, host of #PrintChat every Wednesday at 4PM ET on Twitter, the founder of International Print Day and the founder of #ProjectPeacock. She is the recipient of several industry honors including the 2016 Girls Who Print Girlie Award and sits on the boards of the Advertising Production Club of NYC and The Magazine Innovation Center at the University of Mississippi.

Deborah has 25+ years of experience working in advertising as a Print Producer. She currently provides printspiration and resources to print and marketing professionals through PMC and works behind the scenes with printers, suppliers and industry organizations helping them create meaningful relationships with customers, and achieve success with their social media and content marketing endeavors.

Explore Podcasts From The Printerverse

Have You Been PEACOCKED? Learn about this traveling show-and-tell providing PRINTSPIRATION to brands, agencies, and students!

Connect with Deborah: Twitter / Facebook / LinkedIn / Instagram / YouTube / Pinterest / Print Production Professionals Group /

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Calling all Girls Who Print!! The Women’s Print Mentoring Network is open, FREE, and ready to match mentors and mentees. Sign up today!

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