Women of Print – RIT Needs OUR Help!

I received a request from a grad student at RIT to help spread the word on a survey being conducted regarding the status of Women in the Graphic Communications Industry. 5 minutes of your time could help the upcoming and future generations of Printresses out there… so please support this effort.  Here is the information…

2011 Women in Graphic Communication Research Study

The outcome of a 2000 RIT Printing Industry Center research study suggested that women made up an integral part of the Graphic Communication industry and would continue to do so.  The researchers of this study suggested that as the industry continued to change and the search for key personnel became more competitive, more women would pursue careers in all areas of Graphic Communication.

The primary objective of this research is to conduct a similar study targeting a larger sample population and to determine how women are positioned in the industry today.  The principal investigator will seek to conduct research with statistical significance which will help validate the trends identified in the 2000 study and assess if they have improved, declined or remained the same. The outcome of this study will contribute to the limited research conducted on this very important subject. Further, it is hoped that the results will be a validation for the women employed in the field of Graphic Communication who face challenges from what continues to be a male-dominated industry.  As a professional woman in the Graphic Communication industry, your participation in this research study would be very insightful and greatly appreciated.     

To access the survey click on the following link:


At the completion of the survey there will be an option for you to receive a summary of the study.  Thank you in advance for your participation.  If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Twyla Cummings at tjcppr@rit.edu.
