World’s First Augmented Reality Newspaper Hits Presses

heraldIn what they claim is the world’s first augmented reality-enabled newspaper, Dublin’s Metro Herald and TV3’s 3e fyi programme are to produce five ‘smart editions’.

In partnership with 3e’s weekday interactive news programme fyi, readers will be able to engage with a daily ‘What the Blipp?’ feature in-paper, which will then instantly take them to additional video content, provided by fyi.

The innovation was made possible through a deal with Blippar. Blippar works by using a smartphone or tablet’s built-in camera to recognise things in the real world and instantaneously provide users with digital connections, information or interactive entertainment on their device’s screen.

No scanning or photo taking is needed, users simply hold their device up to (or hover over) anything ‘blippable’ for an instant response, such as a web link, video, coupon, a 3D product experience or an augmented reality game.

Metro Herald will also be using Blippar across additional editorial content, including a Guilty Pleasures daily poll, daily crossword answers, email the Mailbox (letters page) and by blipping the masthead, readers will be able to see an introductory video explaining how Blippar works, again produced by fyi.

Continues at:  World’s first augmented reality newspaper hits presses – New Media – New Media | – Ireland’s Technology News Service.


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