Xerox unveils new tool ProfitQuick to show ROI of printed marketing materials

Welcome to the Direct Marketing ROI planner download page / Please register before you download / we hope you find this tool beneficial to your daily marketing planning and projection.

The set-up of your new Direct Marketing ROI Planner should only take few minutes. The tool is available in 5 languages: English, Korean Thai, Traditional and Simplified Chinese. You may select your language directly in the tool itself prior to entering your data.

Featuring an instant scoreboard, the Direct Marketing ROI Planner is easy to use. All a user needs to do is enter key campaign data (number of mail pieces, cost per piece, cost of products, and so on), and input likely conservative and optimistic response rates and conversion rate (these are adjusted using ‘drag and turn’ tuner wheels). At any time you may use the “Help” button on top of the Direct Marketing ROI Tool or the “!” next to each field to have tutorial information displayed.

Once this data is entered, a single click generates such key results as total campaign costs, total campaign revenue and profit, total campaign ROI and costs for acquiring prospects and converting them into customers. The results also include break-even point calculations that marketers and service providers can use to evaluate the risk in converting generic direct marketing campaigns into costlier 1:1 campaigns.

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