XML 2010 Multi-channel Publishing Conference Keynotes to Focus on the Future

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IDEAlliance today announces the Keynote Presentations for its annual XML Conference to be held October 13-15 in Philadelphia at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. This year’s conference, themed “eMedia Revolution,” focuses on eMedia Publishing and XML Foundations, Applications and Interoperability.

Keynoting this year’s conference are Joshua Quittner former editor of Time Inc.’s Business 2.0 and current contributor to Wired magazine; and Garth Conboy, co-founder and President of eBook Technologies, Inc., current Chairman of the IDPF Board of Directors, and a pioneer in the eBook market. In addition to visionary keynotes, a comprehensive conference track will enable attendees to discover how to reinvent their workflows and distribution models to support multi-channel content distribution.

Continues at:  XML 2010 Multi-channel Publishing Conference Keynotes to Focus on the Future —PI News : Page 1 of 2 : Printing Impressions.


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