You are invited to join us in a new feature

JoinUsOn Tuesday, August 2nd, PMC will be launching our first newsletter!

I’m not sure if “newsletter” is the correct descriptor as it seems so dry, and anyone who has had contact with me via PMC, my Linkedin Group or through social media channels knows that I dont do “dry.”  So while I work on what to call it over the weekend… here is some teaser info!

I have spent the past few weeks working with Industry Pro’s who provided original content, conducted  a 1/1 Interview with a Print Industry LEGEND, included a Vendor Spotlight to recognize those who can help us do our work, found the support of some great companies and people to fund this effort… and now it’s time to share it all with you.

My mailing list is a bit over the top – currently hovering at over 20,000 names!!!!  – but to make sure you get it and at your current address, please add your email in the “Receive our Newsletter” box to the right of this post, or on our home page.

Thanks for a great year and we look forward to sharing many more with you!


Canon Production Printing Print Media Centr