Print Media Centr Invites the Industry to Click, Learn and Connect in Print’s Largest Online Classroom

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The Printerverse – Print Media Centr is opening up its LinkedIn community to provide the print industry with a unique online learning opportunity by creating the largest online classroom in print history, offering the global audience a much-needed outlet for information gathering and sharing, interaction with key players, and a space to create new partnerships.

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent “stay at home” orders have caused industry events and meetings around the world to postpone or cancel, leaving businesses that have spent significant money and time creating information to share with the world without the platform to do so. Print Media Centr is strategically positioned to provide a conduit for education through its independent global social media presence consisting of 99,000 approved members in the Print Production Professionals group on LinkedIn, more than 40,000 combined Twitter followers, and many more connections on additional platforms.

Deborah Corn, Principal at Print Media Centr, comments: “We are in uncharted waters and I am certainly sensitive to the emotions that accompany not knowing what the future holds. As a community leader, however, it is important that I help to ensure print life goes on and support the business of print in the process.”

She continues: “The best way to do that is to keep information flowing, help printers understand new possibilities available to them, and provide a strategic channel for manufacturers and suppliers to share information about the print technology, products, and services they planned to launch at canceled or postponed industry events. I feel a responsibility to do my part and provide global print professionals with the opportunity to ‘Click. Learn. Connect.’ while we ride out this storm together.”

More info in this blog post

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About Print Media Centr

Print Media Centr provides printspiration and resources to our vast network of print and marketing professionals through online content, event support and coverage, and Podcasts From The Printerverse. Print Media Centr also works with printers, suppliers and industry organizations to help them create meaningful relationships with customers, and achieve success with their social media and content marketing endeavors.

About Print Production Professionals

Founded by Deborah Corn in May 2008, Print Production Professionals is the largest, independent, print-related group on LinkedIn thanks to the open knowledge sharing and active participation of our members. With a strict ‘no tolerance’ policy for solicitations, the group remains a productive resource for industry help, referrals, thought leadership, new business, partnerships, and open knowledge sharing.


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