Print Samples: Why You Need Your Own Magazine

a multi color image of a retro Television with an antenna

Many years ago, as we were getting ready for Drupa in 2012 one of the sales team members I was working with in Europe arrived with boxes of a very cool magazine, But it wasn’t just any magazine – it was one that had versions based on the target recipient.

That magazine was Signal Etique and was produced by a French association serving graphic arts. Based on the recipient profile the stories were sorted in a different order. All the content was the same, but the sorting order helped engage the readers with the content they wanted and then drew them into other content. I loved the concept and continue to look for examples.

In this episode of Print Sample TV, we walk through some of the industry magazines that are doing similar things, or at least interesting things! We’ll look at some fun industry titles, and we’ll end up with a look at Milkshake, the Hudson Printing magazine. If you know the story, McDonald’s settled on milkshakes as a point of differentiation. Hudson is taking milkshakes to the next level.

Take a look at this video as we talk about why you might want to create one yourself!

If you have the coolest print sample among the work you have commissioned or produced, let me know. I am always looking! Reach out to me! @PatMcGrew on Twitter, on LinkedIn, or all land with me and I’ll be delighted to tell your story!


See last month’s post by Pat:

See all of Pat’s posts here.

Pat McGrew McGrew Group author Print Media CentrPat McGrew helps companies perform better. As Managing Director for McGrewGroup, Inc., she promotes Best Practices for your Business leveraging her work as an executive, marketer, analyst, industry evangelist, and consultant to enable business growth. An experienced professional speaker and author of 8 business books, Pat is also the editor of A Guide to the Electronic Document Body of Knowledge, a regular industry content contributor, host of #PrintSampleTV, and co-host of #ThePrintReport Podcast with Deborah Corn. Pat won the 2014 #GirlsWhoPrint Girlie Award and the 2016 Xplor Brian Platte Lifetime Achievement Award. She is certified as a Lifetime Master Electronic Document Professional by Xplor, and as a Color Management Professional (CMP), CMP Digital, and BrandQ Professional by IDEAlliance. Find Pat on Twitter as @PatMcGrew and on LinkedIn.





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