Top 5 Print Media Trends Every Marketer Should Know

top 5 print media trends for marketers

In a world dominated by digital marketing, print media continues to thrive by reinventing itself. While many predicted that print would diminish in the face of the digital revolution, it has proven to be resilient, particularly when integrated with digital campaigns. This ability to evolve makes print an essential part of the marketing mix, delivering […]

Print Samples: Everything Needs a Label

a multi color image of a retro Television with an antenna

There are dozens of ways you might create a label. You might do it on your desktop printer using label stock bought online or at the office supply store. If you need more volume, you may look to find a provider who can meet your needs. There are online label printers that use web-to-print technology […]

Print Samples: 19 Crimes Taught Us AR with Story

How did 19 Crimes use Augmented Reality

When you have really great Australian wine to bring to market you face some challenges. Australian vineyards produce a pantheon of fabulous wines. To get noticed in the market you need a great story, and that is where the combination of great wine, an Augmented Reality platform, and some amazing storytelling came together, and 19 […]

It Takes Two: Digital Twins in Print and Beyond

what are digital twins

Happy New Year, Printerverse! Certainly here in the UK we still find ourselves at home, living our lives through screens. I’m sure all of us have friends, family, and colleagues that we haven’t seen from below the shoulders for the best part of a year, if not longer. We have become accustomed to our digital […]

Print (and the World) Needs Collaboration, not Division

print and digital media can work together

We are close to closing the book on a strange and difficult year. The pandemic, politics, and social issues seem to be forcing an already divided world further apart. But in the face of economic and personal hardships, there have been examples of humanity at its best, from frontline workers going above and beyond the […]

A Hybrid World: Print and Extended Reality

extended reality and print marketing

Well, we’re not together again just yet. Who else is nostalgic for the naivety of spring, when we thought the situation might be short-lived? Now we’re in autumn, and I think many of us are a bit more pragmatic about the short-term and long-term impact of the pandemic. I have written before about how COVID-19 […]

Shopping in the Time of Corona: How Print and Tech Give Retail a Lifeline

Karis Copp Tech Print and Retail 01

Most of us are living very different lives than we were a few months ago. Even though the priorities in the grand scheme of things are stopping the spread of the virus, keeping people safe, and caring for those who are sick, it’s OK to miss the little things. Some of mine are: strolling around […]

Three Tech Trends for Print… in 2020 and Beyond

3 tech trends for Print 01

Happy 2020! That number alone sounds pretty futuristic – I’m sure if our child selves were asked what 2020 will be like, many of us would have conjured up images of flying cars, robot helpers, and food replacement pills. Well, we’re not quite there with the flying cars, (although the recent CES show did see […]

2018: A Year of Dividing and Conquering for Print

2018 year in print - print media centr

Greetings Citizens of the Printerverse! It’s almost time to close the books on 2018 which means it’s a perfect time to look back at some of the subjects that drove discussions in the Printerverse this year, and what we can learn from them moving forward. Be prepared, it’s not all pretty. Print Customers. I couldn’t […]

How to Measure Print Marketing Performance

measure print marketing performance

The internet has certainly changed many aspects of our lives. We turn to it for entertainment, for news, to research products and vacations, and get directions of all types. But perhaps the biggest change is the impact it’s had on marketing. The internet brought the age of digital marketing with highly focused audiences, and immediate […]

Tales From The Trail: #ProjectPeacock Saddles Up for Digital Print in Austin, Texas

Miralupa AR Project Peacock Print Media Centr

After successful meetings in 2017 with over 300 professional print buyers and creatives in NYC, Chicago, and the San Francisco Bay Area, Project Peacock saddled up and launched our 2018 tour last week in Austin, Texas. Me and my Peacock partners Canon Solutions America, Domtar Paper, Scodix and Miralupa, had 3 fantastic days of visits sharing printspiration with […]