PG Turns the Tide With a Flood of Print and TV ads


How Procter and Gamble turned around the negative publicity surrounding Tide Pods with a well-choreographed Super Bowl advertising campaign using print, television and direct mail. The internet memes were spilling over into Mom-land, which means my mom, who doesn’t even know what a meme is, knew about Tide Pods. “This is no joking matter,” my […]

Print and All That’s Good and Decent


Have you noticed that print has become one of the good guys? We’re not selling our data to the bad guys. We’re not setting up algorithms that only benefit our paying customers. We’re not slowing down access to those who can’t afford to get on the information superhighway. Print is good and decent. It’s fascinating […]

Printed Coupons Make Life Easier for Busy Families


Who wants pizza? Don’t forget to add the anchov…I mean, the PRINT! Okay, I admit it. We are a path-of-least-resistance family. When it’s time to get an oil change or get a haircut or do the dry cleaning … or order pizza (yay!) … we are all about whichever printed coupon is right in front […]

First Steps For Marketing Your Personal Brand


When you are building your personal brand, it’s a lot like marketing your company. You have a daunting number of choices about where to put your marketing efforts. Before you take the first steps in marketing your personal brand, here are a few considerations: What are you doing that’s already working? If your audience is […]

Carpe Printum: New Ideas to Help You Seize the Print!

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When you visit the Printerverse, you learn how printers can Carpe Printum — seize the print and get ahead of the competition! The Printerverse is a cool trade show feature at Print / Graph Expo. It is brought to you by Print Media Centr and its Intergalactic Alliance of the Printerverse. This year, the Alliance […]

What an Arcade Game Can Teach Us About Printing Sales

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Remember Pole Position, the popular video arcade game of the 1980s? I loved it. Amazingly, the things I learned while playing helped me in the print sales world. Pole Position is a classic auto racing game. You have to be able to predict and control the timing and placement of other cars on the track. […]

You Can’t Go Wrong With A Printed Greeting Card

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Don’t you just love-love-love printed greeting cards on cool paper?  One of the things I love is about greeting cards is that someone else has created the design, thought up the message, chosen the paper, and printed it. Yes, blank cards and the cards you design and print yourself are wonderful, don’t get me wrong. […]

9 Superbly Simple Ways Printers Can Increase Email Newsletter Subscribers


When marketing with email newsletters, printers can get hung up on not having a big list of subscribers. My advice is to keep it simple. Make your email sign up superbly simple that it becomes a natural part of your normal marketing and promotion routine. Your list of email addresses is one of the most precious […]

How 1970s Brands Influenced a Generation Through Print Packaging

print packaging of the 1970s

Forty years is a long time for a brand — primarily through print packaging and some silly songs — to sustain a consumer’s attention and loyalty. It hardly seems possible. Yet the print packaging of my husband’s childhood is what guides him, to this day, through the aisles of the grocery store. He does his […]

How to Build a Winning Sales Process Around Customer Data

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Every year I hold a deep data dive with my clients, and we focus on their ideal customers. We want to see who or what sends us our best customers and which factors influenced the sale. Once we know that, we can build a sales process so we can successfully close a higher percentage of […]

Ask These 3 Questions to Drastically Improve Future Print Sales

Marketing strategist Sandy Hubbard asks these 3 questions to new customers to get crucial sales and marketing data.

There are three questions to ask new customers that will DRASTICALLY improve your print sales. You must learn to ask “How, what and why” in your sales conversations. HOW: Let’s start with the first one, the door opener. If we’re feeling shy about this process, it’s certainly not prying to ask: “HOW did you find […]

Eight Disruptors that Will Transform Email Marketing


Email marketing is changing right under our MailChimpy fingers. In fact, it’s iterating swiftly into what I call a MOBILE MOMENT, like a tweet or a text, only with more context and hopefully more staying power. This is what I say when my B2B clients ask me if email has seen its day. ‘There’s more […]