Top 8 Social Media Truths for 2011

social media ball1Over the last few years, I’ve been gathering social media lessons, both through my own experiences as well as those of others. If you start learning from them now, I hope you’ll find that 2011 will be a more fruitful year in your social media life.

Here they are Letterman-style:

8.  It’s easy to get caught up in reading interesting blog posts or playing Mafia Wars on Facebook. Figure out your social media schedule and stick with it. You’ll thank me later.

7.  Building on the previous point, if you aren’t using any form of social media yet and you don’t have a really good reason – like your hands are broken and have been for years – you need to get with the program. If Oprah and Bill Marriott can get their organizations to commit to social media, your brand can get going, too.

6.  Kill the brag-athon. There are many, many ways to toot your own horn without bragging. If you don’t know how, Google “Twitter without bragging.” Learn the ways and use them wisely.

5.  Don’t get over-zealous in your sharing. Recently someone posted some information about a call they had scheduled with me on Twitter. It was no big deal, but be careful. Loose lips sink ships; avoid inadvertently over-sharing with your social networking updates.

Continues at:  Top 8 Social Media Truths for 2011 : Marketing :: American Express OPEN Forum.

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