Rights, Reuse, Revenue And The Recap from #DAMNY

by Thaddeus Kubis This blog is provided via Print Media Center and Deborah Corn. Deborah set me up with a press pass for the Henry Stewart Event DAM NY May 1-2, 2014 in NYC, and for that I am thankful – and hopefully you will be too. The Print Media Centr community was also able to follow […]

Is Taking Work From HELL To HELL YEAH Really Possible?

With some dramatic accompaniment courtesy of Mother Nature, the thunder claps and lightning flashes outside my window this morning are providing the perfect atmosphere for writing about the WORK HELL some of us experience, or have experienced during our careers. I have read this infographic from AtTask a few times and I am a bit concerned that most […]

How CRM Can Help You Market Your Print Business

by Kate Gansneder First, what is CRM? For many in the customer service industry, a Customer Relationship Management program is a familiar tool. Many have used them to manage contacts, points of connection, keep a record of emails and calls, and even keep orders linked to specific people or companies. CRM is a tool to […]

DAM Equals Dollars For Print

If you follow PMC or my posts with any regularity, you already know my strong belief that “Those who hold the assets, hold the Power!”  When it comes to adding revenue generating services, the easiest place to start is looking at what you have, and if you are a Printer one thing you have in […]

[infographic] The Five Most Dangerous Creative Productivity Myths – BUSTED!

Our friends at AtTask have produced a series of cool infographics I’ll be sharing here and there. I started with this one because it’s something I am currently being challenged with – TIME MANAGEMENT! #4 in particular strikes a chord. I have to admit then when I worked in Ad Agencies project management tools and […]

10 Zen Tips for Mastering User Interfaces

How to Quickly Adjust to Navigation Changes in a Cloud-based Program by Sandy Hubbard, Print Futurist   Does this sound familiar? You log into your social media platform, web-to-print portal,  contact management system, or any subscription-based cloud service, and — ack! — nothing looks the same. Where there used to be words, there are icons. Everything is smaller and […]

Meet Jim Raffel, CEO Of ColorMetrix And Renaissance Road Warrior!

As promised in my LinkedIn group, this year I am going to share a lot of information from, and about our community through PrintMediaCentr. There is no better way to kick this off than to introduce you all to Jim Raffel. I met Jim in person at SGIA Expo 11, (here is video proof) and […]

#PRINT13 WEBINAR: Hot Technology Highlights

It’s simply impossible during PRINT 13—with 603 top suppliers, 49 MUST SEE ’EMS, plus over 140 new worldwide introductions—to see every exhibitor’s demonstration of their hot new innovations in equipment, technology, software and related products at the show. BULLSEYE THE “BEST OF THE BEST” TECHNOLOGIES!This fast-paced Executive Summary session will present the “best of the […]

PRINT 13 Garners Upbeat Reviews

Graphic Communications Industry Event of the Year Draws Positive Feedback from Exhibitors and Attendees      Reston, VA – PRINT 13, together with first time co-located CPP EXPO, wrapped up its run at McCormick Place in Chicago on September 12, 2013 with a feeling of optimism for the future.      “Two common themes seemed to be repeated by […]

World's First Print-on-Demand Newsstand Being Tested In Sweden

This is the coolest thing I’ve seen in a while that is purely PRINTtastic! Step up to the machine, pick your pub, push print, and viola’ – within two minutes your freshly printed magazine drops into the pick-up slot! Genius! I am totally a buy a magazine and a pack of gum before getting on […]

The Future of Print is Online Now

I am not a Vista Print fan. I have never used them, but I do know three people who have and only one was happy with their job. The other two ordered business cards and the text was not centered. They also said the card stock was really flimsy. They spent an endless amount of time […]