Explore Print Sample TV: Even More Print Samples!

explore Print Sample TV

A few weeks ago, we had a chance to create a bucket of new episodes of Print Sample TV! We have some cool things coming, including a look at some new options for enhancing print with foil, new inkjet technologies, and some great ideas for how to create your own print sample set, complete with packaging.

One of my favorite sets is from the wonderful folks at VIGC, the Belgian Graphic Innovation group. They are a graphic Arts association that uses print to tell their story. We can all learn from them! Imagine a card deck, drilled at the top like the Pantone® card sets, that contains every service offered by the association. It has QR Codes to link to services and features an excellent design. I’ll leave the tease there. You’ll want to watch this episode when we have it ready to launch!

As this year ends I want to thank Print Media Centr for this chance to share the fun things we do on PrintSampleTV and also thank Morten Reitoft for the Inkish Platform. One last huge thanks to Jan Maynik, who films and edits PrintSampleTV!

Grab an adult beverage, some popcorn, and explore Print Sample TV the whole 70+ episode playlist!

If you have the coolest print sample among the work you have commissioned or produced, let me know. I am always looking! Reach out to me! @PatMcGrew on Twitter, on LinkedIn, or pcm@mcgrewgroup.com all land with me and I’ll be delighted to tell your story!.

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Pat McGrew McGrew Group author Print Media CentrPat McGrew helps companies perform better. As Managing Director for McGrewGroup, Inc., she promotes Best Practices for your Business leveraging her work as an executive, marketer, analyst, industry evangelist, and consultant to enable business growth. An experienced professional speaker and author of 8 business books, Pat is also the editor of A Guide to the Electronic Document Body of Knowledge, a regular industry content contributor, host of #PrintSampleTV, and co-host of #ThePrintReport Podcast with Deborah Corn. Pat won the 2014 #GirlsWhoPrint Girlie Award and the 2016 Xplor Brian Platte Lifetime Achievement Award. She is certified as a Lifetime Master Electronic Document Professional by Xplor, and as a Color Management Professional (CMP), CMP Digital, and BrandQ Professional by IDEAlliance. Find Pat on Twitter as @PatMcGrew and on LinkedIn.


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