Print With a WOW at Dscoop with Design Strategist Vicki Strull

We only have eight seconds to catch someone’s attention. Still with me? In this Podcast from the Printerverse episode, Deborah speaks to Vicki Strull, Design Strategist and Brand Visionary at Vicki Strull Consulting, at the Dscoop Edge event in Orlando.

She shares some interesting insights and statistics that provide some food for thought on the opportunities for better customer connections, particularly through packaging design. Opportunities, Vicki says, that not enough brands are taking advantage of.

One illuminating stat from Vicki is that 80 percent of Generation Zers use a mobile device in a retail environment – this presents a chance to connect with them and create an immersive experience through packaging. She explains the different types of packaging versioning, and how impactful this can be, particularly in the social media age.

In this podcast, Deborah and Vicki talk through the WOW samples from the Dscoop event, designed by Vicki to demonstrate the world of possibilities available with HP technology. She describes how the process took shape, from design and software to the pieces being sent to the press and on to finishing.

HP Smartstream Collage software was used to create one of a kind packaging alongside a host of other features utilised to engage with customers in a unique way – you can hear Vicki give some great examples of how this is achieved, and hopefully get a bit of inspiration for new ways to set yourself apart from the competition.

Vicki also had some great advice on how designers can shift their perspective on the dreaded ‘D’ word – data. She suggests thinking of it more as creative freedom, that allows you to bring to life all the versions you create and fall in love with, giving you a whole new range of options for your design.

To find out more about Vicki’s work or to get in contact, visit

karis-copp-print-media-centrKaris Copp is a UK-based writer, journalist and communications expert. With a background as an editor and public relations specialist in the print industry, she now works on a freelance basis covering events, writing on industry news and trends, and working with businesses to help them tell their stories and connect with their customers. Follow her on Twitter @KarisCoppMedia


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